Jacob Brault | Staff Liaison
Phone: 740-362-7478 | Email: jbrault@ohiolegion.com
Al Buxton | National Security Commission Chairman
Phone: 513-225-1489 | Email: asbuxton69@gmail.com
The National Security Commission is comprised of 14 appointed individuals from the 14 districts in the department of Ohio. The Chair person is appointed by the current Commander of the Department of Ohio. The Commission is responsible for reviewing items pertaining to various security issues that involve such items as cyber security, security of our boarders, our armed forces, their equipment and numbers so we don’t get into a position where we can’t maintain our presence in areas needed to insure our safety. The Commission is also involved in military benefits and quality of life items that face our armed forces as well as the veterans that have served. These issues are addressed by either creating Resolutions to address the items or approve submitted resolutions by other committees or individuals. These resolutions are presented at the department convention to be accepted and, once accepted, move on to the national convention. If the resolution is passed at the national level it will then be presented to congress for possible action.