Jacob Brault | Staff Liaison

Phone: 740-362-7478 | Email: jbrault@ohiolegion.com

Al Buxton | National Security Commission Chairman

Phone: 513-225-1489 | Email: asbuxton69@gmail.com




The National Security Commission is comprised of 14 appointed individuals from the 14 districts in the department of Ohio. The Chair person is appointed by the current Commander of the Department of Ohio. The Commission is responsible for reviewing items pertaining to various security issues that involve such items as cyber security, security of our boarders, our armed forces, their equipment and numbers so we don’t get into a position where we can’t maintain our presence in areas needed to insure our safety. The Commission is also involved in military benefits and quality of life items that face our armed forces as well as the veterans that have served. These issues are addressed by either creating Resolutions to address the items or approve submitted resolutions by other committees or individuals. These resolutions are presented at the department convention to be accepted and, once accepted, move on to the national convention. If the resolution is passed at the national level it will then be presented to congress for possible action.

Operation Comfort Warriors

Operation Comfort Warriors is a program dedicated to meeting the needs of wounded, injured or ill military personnel by providing them with comfort items not usually supplied by the government.The American Legion delivers these comfort items to military hospitals, warrior transition units, and other facilities worldwide, bringing hope and support to our service members during their recovery.

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National Emergency Fund

The National Emergency Fund, created in response to Hurricane Hugo in 1989, has provided more than $10 million in direct financial assistance to American Legion Family members and Posts. By providing this emergency funding, NEF has prevented damaged Posts from closing and enabled American Legion Family members to recover from tragedy. With grants of up to $3,000 for individuals and $10,000 for posts, the NEF ensures rapid relief when it’s needed most.

» Read more     » Click Here to Apply

POW/MIA Advocacy

The American Legion remains committed to achieving a full accounting of all U.S. servicemembers from all war eras who are either imprisoned or listed as missing in action. As part of this commitment, it encourages a return of living POWs, repatriation of the remains of the fallen from war zones abroad, or a determination through convincing evidence that neither is possible, as per Resolution 22 from the 99th National Convention. The National POW/MIA Recognition Day is held each year on the third Friday of September. The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) reports that from World War II to the present, more than 81,000 servicemembers are unaccounted for. As part of the day of recognition, Americans are asked to pause and reflect on the sacrifices made by the military men and women who are imprisoned or unaccounted for as a result of their military service. Individuals and businesses should also fly their POW/MIA flags. Rallies and ceremonies are held throughout the nation to honor those U.S. servicemembers who have yet to return home, and the families left behind without closure as to the fate of their loved ones.

POW/MIA Empty Chair

Resolution 288, adopted at the 67th American Legion National Convention, calls for designating a POW/MIA Empty Chair at all official meetings of The American Legion as a physical symbol of the thousands of American POW/MIAs still unaccounted for from all wars and conflicts involving the United States.

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Department Law and Order Awards Program

The American Legion seeks to recognize well-rounded public service candidates who have exceeded about and beyond the expected duties of their position for public recognition. Post, County, District, and Department may recognize a Law Enforcement Officer of the Year, Firefighter of the Year, and Civilian Life Saver of the Year. The Department Law and Order Committees will judge nominations based on community service, professional career record, heroism, and will consider press articles and letters or recognition.

The Department Law and Order Committee strongly encourages every Post and District to recognize a (1) Law Enforcement Officer of the Year, (2) Firefighter of the Year, and (3) Civilian Lifesaver of the Year for a record of commendable service. Districts must submit their nominee’s packet to Department HQ no later than noon on September 15.

Request for Nominations: Law & Order Nomination Packet


If you have any questions, you may contact your District Law and Order Chairman or Department Coordinator at 740-362-7478 or by email at legion@ohiolegion.com


To select and honorably recognize well-rounded candidates who have exceeded above and beyond their position’s expected duties.


District Guidance

Annually, each District may nominate one Law Enforcement Officer, Firefighter, and Civilian Life Saver, with the attached nomination form and guidelines.


Posthumous Nominee Eligibility

A nominee is eligible to receive an award posthumously if the death in the line of duty occurred between July 1st and April 1st.


Department Awards Point System

The following point system shall be used by the Department Law and Order Committee to judge the nomination package of any Law Enforcement, Firefighter, or Civilian Life Saver.

Professional Career: 40 points

Community Service: 35 points

Acts of Heroism:        20 points

Citations/Awards:     5 points

Total Points:              100 points


The Ralph Doll Memorial Conservation Award is awarded to any applicable Post that has performed the most outstanding service in the field of conservation, participated in conservation education programs and/or projects that support Law and Order regarding conservation.

» Click here to download the Ralph Doll Award instructions and score sheet

National Security Commission Members


Mike Kennedy


John Randolph


Robert Weiler


Al Buxton (Chair)


Ty Bowers


William Little




John Stabler


Samuel Swoger III


Douglas Russell


Thomas E Leach


Bernie Brogan


Richard Wright


Patrick J Holland