Jacob Brault | Staff Liaison

Phone: 740-362-7478 | Email: jbrault@ohiolegion.com

Vacant | Employment & Education Committee Chairman

Phone: N/A | Email: N/A

The American Legion Department of Ohio Employment & Education Committee offers resources that can assist you as a Legionnaire wishing to promote veteran job placement and furthering veteran learning and skills. Please continue to visit the VE&E website as changes will occur on a regular basis. We welcome any and all suggestions in addition to recognizing Post level achievements and awards within the VE&E realm. Contact the committee liaison at Department Headquarters at 740-362-7478 or legion@ohiolegion.com if you have any questions. Thank you for all you do on behalf of the veterans in Ohio!

Notice of Employment Awards Nominations

The first American Legion National Veterans Employment & Education Commission Award was established in 1947, and recognized individuals across the country who have established outstanding records in the employment and retention of workers with disabilities. Since that time, categories were added to the current nine awards programs.

Nominations are now open for Legionnaires or Community Partners to submit recommendations for the Department honorees to be forwarded for National Judging by January 15th. Award recipients will be presented with a plaque and recognition by our Department Commander at a scheduled event in 2023.  Nominations for recipients are due to Department HQ, no later than January 5th. Please submit your nominations directly to a Department Liaison at legion@ohiolegion.com.


1. The Employer of Veterans Award (Small, Medium, Large): the purpose of conferring recognition to an employer in our state outstanding records in veterans’ hiring and retention.

The employer must meet the following criteria

        1. At least 10 percent of the nominee’s workforce must be veterans
        2. Must be in business for at least five years
        3. Cannot restrict employment to veterans only
        4. Must be a private-sector employer

The Employer of Veterans Award (Small, Medium, and Large) Nomination Form


2. Employment Service Awards (Employment Service Local Office Awards, LVER, and DVOP): the purpose of recognizing outstanding Local Veterans Employment Representative, Disabled Veterans Outreach Program, and one local Employment Service Office that provide job counseling, testing, and placement assistance to employed and underemployed veterans.

Employment Service Awards (ES Office, LVER, DVOP) Nomination Forms


3. Employer of Older Workers Award: the purpose of the award is to recognize an employer for an outstanding record in hiring and retaining older workers.

    1. The American Legion, for the purpose of this award, defines an older worker as a person age 55 or above.

Employer of Older Workers Award Nomination Forms


4.  Award to Enhance The Lives of Disabled Persons: This award can recognize nonprofit or other private sector organizations for their efforts to significantly improve persons with disabilities’ ability to participate in the community’s public life.

Award to Enhance the Lives of Disabled Person Nomination


5.  Homeless Veterans Outreach Award: This award recognizes American Legion Family Post, County, or District’s activities toward eliminating homelessness among veterans and homeless prevention.

Homeless Veterans Outreach Nomination Form – 2020Homeless Veterans Outreach Nomination Form
