Ronald E Distel | Department Chaplain
Phone: 419-862-2344 | Email:
Christie White | Religious Emphasis Committee Staff Liaison
Phone: 740-513-5199 | Email:
As The American Legion is pledged to service “For God and Country” and has continuously emphasized the spiritual foundations of our freedom, The American Legion Department of Ohio Religious Emphasis Committee believes:
To preserve this freedom, we must continue to hold before the American people the spiritual foundations of our Country.
We must reaffirm our faith in Almighty God and constantly rekindle that spirit of humble reliance on Devine Guidance which inspired the founders of our Country and it behooves us as a Nation to arm our people in times of peril with the ageless weapons of moral and spiritual might and to uphold and preserve, unimpaired the spiritual heritage of America.
Therefore, as Chaplains of The American Legion Department of Ohio, it is our mission to at all times, strive to remind all Americans that God is the source of all rights and privileges.