Department Commander
Arnold Whatley
740-362-7478 |
Arnold Whatley was elected to serve as the 2024-2025 Department of Ohio Commander on Sunday July 14th 2024. His eligibility stems from holding office in 2023-2024 as the Department of Ohio 1st Vice Commander and was elected to serve this high office on Sunday July 2nd 2023 and also appointed to serve 2022-2023 as the Department of Ohio 2nd Vice Commander by order of Executive Session decision on August 6th 2022.
Arnold also earns his eligibility by serving 22 years in the United States Air Force as a retiring Master Sergeant with four tours of duty (Clovis, Mexico, Lajas Field, Azores, Montgomery, Ala, Special duty to South Korea and special duty to Dayton, Ohio).
Arnold joined the American Legion in 1990 and soon thereafter became a paid up for life member with 34 continuous years of service at General Daniel “Chappie” James Post 776 located in Dayton, Ohio. Offices held at the Post level include; Post Commander (quota commander), 1st Vice Commander, 2nd Vice Commander, and 9 years as Trustee. At the District level; District Commander (quota commander), 1st Vice Commander, 2nd Vice Commander, Finance Officer, and served on the Past District Commander Committee. At the Department level; 1st Vice Commander, 2nd Vice Commander, Sergeant at Arms, and Assistant Sergeant at Arms. Arnold “AJ” Whatley also served on the National Cemetery Committee, Standing Commissions, and the Internal Affairs Commission.
Arnold obtained an Associates Degree in Structural Tech, Certification of Law Enforcement at Sinclair Community College, Dayton, Ohio, and a Certificate in Human Communications at Chapman College, Dayton, Ohio.
He has one daughter who resides in Miami, Florida.
Stan Oren | 1st Vice Commander
The First Vice Commander serves under the Commander of the Department of Ohio. His responsibilities include being Membership Committee Chairman, ensuring that the Legion message is heard by all veterans, and providing the overall mission for the membership year.
Stan Oren was was elected to serve 2024-2025 as the Department of Ohio 1st Vice Commander on Sunday July 14th 2024 at the 105th Department of Ohio Convention. He was also elected to serve 2023-2024 as the Department of Ohio 2nd Vice Commander on Sunday July 2nd 2023.
Stan earned his eligibility by serving in the United States Navy in 1969-1971.
Stan is a 41-year member of Harter-Williams Post 536 Gilboa, currently serving as Finance Officer, Membership Chairman, and Post Adjutant. He is Past First District Commander 2017-2018 and Past Department Assistance Sergeant-at-Arms 2018-2019. He is a member of the Buckeye Boys State Staff 2021-2023. Stan has served on the Department Americanism, Oratorical, and POW-MIA commissions and is a National Appointee for Americanism Commission.
He serves the veteran community as President of Putnam County Veterans Service Commission and membership in veterans organizations, SAL, Forty & Eight, VFW, DAV, AMVETS and VVA.
Stan is married to his long time partner, Ruth.
Gary Cox Jr. | 2nd Vice Commander
The Second Vice Commander serves under the 1st Vice Commander and the Commander of the Department of Ohio. Their responsibilities include being Post Activities Chairman.
Gary Cox Jr. was was elected to serve 2024-2025 as the Department of Ohio 2nd Vice Commander on Sunday, July 14th, 2024.
Gary Jr. earned his eligibility by serving in the United States Marine Corps from 2002-2010, including a tour in Afghanistan from 2004-2005.
Gary Jr. is a PUFL 23-year member of Harold Bradley Post 584 in Marion, Ohio. He is a past 2-time 6th District Commander from 2021-2023. He is an 8-year member of Buckeye Boys State staff serving as a trustee. Gary Jr has also served on Gifts for Yanks, and National Security commissions along with a National appointee for the National Security Council.
He is a 33-year Charter member of Squadron 584 Marion, Ohio. A member of the Legion Riders 254, 40/8, Marine Corps League, and Wounded Warrior Project. He is also a lifetime member of the VFW, DAV, and CVMA.
Holly Lewis
Stevens-Christian Memorial Post 557 Wintersville
Department Treasurer
Robert (Bob) S White
Joseph J Jacubic Inc Post 572 Parma
Assistant Chaplain
Ronald L Chapman
Williamsburg Inc Post 288 Williamsburg
Nat’l Executive Committeeman
Josh Brown
William R Schnug Memorial Post 614 Hilliard
Department Judge Advocate
Albert (Al) D Beyer
Robert Dick Rowland Post 523 Lodi
Department Historian
Michael (Mike) J Blackwell
Randolph Post 707 Englewood
Department Sergeant-At-Arms
William (Bill) Richard Dittebrand
Palmer-Roberts Post 214 Willoughby
Asst. Sergeant-At-Arms
Gary A Minadeo
Brewer-Tarasco Post 7 Wickliffe
Department Parliamentarian
Mark Mahlman
Robinson-Gibbs Post 265 Wauseon
“Great” First District Commander
James O Fast
Auglaize Post 330 Wapakoneta
Second “To None” District Commander
Christopher (Chris) T Emmons
Randolph Post 707 Englewood
“Thundering” Third District Commander
Robert E Wilson Jr.
Havelock D Nelson Post 681 West Chester
“Fabulous” Fourth District Commander
Robert (Bob) Mason
Earl Green Post 344 Carey
“Fighting” Fifth District Commander
Christopher (Chris) Miller
Mount Sterling Post 417
Sizzlin’ Sixth District Commander
Johnny R Conley
James Dickey Post 23 Portsmouth
“Magnificent” Seventh District Commander
Michael (Mike) Lincoln
David Johnston Memorial Post 283 Pickerington
“Great” Eighth District Commander
Jacqueline Whetstone
William Mc Kinley Post 106 Niles
“Dynamic” Ninth District Commander
Howard K Marotto
Post 221 Massillon
“Great” Tenth District Commander
Thom Stan
Russell Chadwick Post 389 Beverly
“Elite” Eleventh District Commander
Michael J Higgins
Camp Chase Post 98 Columbus
“Capital” Twelfth District Commander
Richard L Wright
Post 2 Cleveland
“Tenacious” Thirteenth District Commander
Rodger S Wiant
Portage Post 496 Kent
“Phenomenal” Fourteenth District Commander